Wondering where the bus is?

Find yourself glancing down the street, wondering where the bus is? Wonder no more, with the MCTS Tracker app. Enter the stop number for the stop you're waiting at, check the bus location on a map, or search to find out when the bus is getting there.

The app uses live data from the MCTS to determine arrival times. Spend less time at the bus stop by knowning when the bus is really arriving. This app is specifically made for buses in the Milwaukee County Transit System.

Note: the Android app is temporarily unavailable. We are presently working to rectify this issue.

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Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Feature requests? Feedback of any sort? We'd love to hear from you! Send us an email at mctstracker@gmail.com.

Privacy Policy

See the app privacy policy here.

Try the official Umo app!

Get the most up-to-date bus tracking and detour information on MCTS's official app, Umo. MCTS is updating features all the time, so you'll have the most accurate estimates and route directions. Click one of the links below to download for free!